Cotton States was extabished in 1946 in Memphis, TN. Our goal then, our goal now and our goal in the future will always be to provide a convenient location where wholesale buyers and sellers of ladies apprael, jewelry, shoes, handbags and other accessories can meet for their collective benefit. For the past 25 years we have held 3-4 trade shows annually at the Hollywood Hotel and Casino, Robinsonviille, MS with 13,000 square feet of exhibitor space , representing more than 200 lines.
We strive to be the "best little show in the South". We have been successful because we truly love our buyers.s At Cotton States,SOUTHERN hospitality is alive and well! We provide smaller stores with a full spectrum of quality products with costs to match the "big boys" at major markets. When you consider the expense and travel time to attend a market in Dallas, Atanta and Las Vegas, etc., it is almost a no brainer?
If you have been a regular attendee, we look forward to seeing you again at our next show February 23-24, 2025. If you are new and this would be your first time, you will feel welcome and at home.
Lastly, a complimentary lunch is served both days from 12-2 PM , compliments of our reps.